Elton Bennett's
lifelong dream always was to be an artist.
He grew up on the Washington Coast, where mill work,
fishing and dredging were common occupations, and
Bennett himself knew many years of firsthand
experience at them. The pursuit of art was not
encouraged by the people around him.
Elton Bennett
started and stopped more than once in his plans to
be an artist. For nearly 20 years, his only formal
training in art consisted of a single year at
Washington State University at Pullman in 1927 when
he was 17 years old.
In 1946, Bennett
married Flora Broadie who encouraged him to persist
with his artistic goals when few other people did.
And it was in that same year that Bennett entered
the Portland Art Museum School on the G.I. bill.
But Bennett didn't
enjoy the experience. He was considerably older than
his fellow students, and his artistic style, which
never followed the latest trends, was not
appreciated. Discouraged with school and the art
scene, he left after two years and returned to work
in the trades. He was far from confident at this
point that he could support himself and his family
as an artist.
But in 1956,
Bennett had saved enough money to be able to give up
his other jobs, and devote himself exclusively to
his art work. In less than three years, he was
enjoying a satisfying career as a practicing artist,
doing what he wanted most to do, and making a good
living at it.
Elton Bennett chose
silkscreen printing for his medium because it
allowed so many possibilities for manipulating
compositions. Bennett didn't like the idea of
creating a work only one person might see, or that
could not be changed once 'completed.' Bennett would
always use a great number of screens and colors in
infinite combinations so that each finished
serigraph was a unique work of art.
Elton Bennett
serigraphs depict the Pacific Northwest coastal
environment and give glimpses of the working lives
of the people the artist knew and worked with all
his life. These works have steadily gained
recognition over the years. The artist's tragic
death in 1974 in an airplane crash has meant a
substantial increase in their value as a solid